Basic Stock Information

Basic Information

(As of November 25, 2024)

Stock code 2170
Listed company Prime Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange (2170)
Category of industry Services
Trading unit 100 shares
Shares authorized 400,000,000
Shares issued and outstanding 109,000,000 (As of November 25, 2024)
No. of shareholders 15,175 (As of December 31, 2023)
Balance sheet dates January 1 to December 31
Dividend dates Q1 dividend: March 31
Interim dividend: June 30
Q3 dividend: September 30
Year-end dividend: December 31
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders March
Listing date December 17, 2007
Shareholder registry administrator
(Special account management institution)
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Contact: 1-1 Nikko-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo-1
Tel: 0120-232-711 (toll-free in Japan)
(Contact hours: Weekdays 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., excluding national holidays, etc.)
Stock Transfer Agency Department, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
P.O. Box No. 29, Shin-Tokyo Post Office, Tokyo 137-8081, Japan
  • (“Stock Procedure Information,” Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation)
Disclosure method The Company discloses information electronically
  • (Note: If due to unavoidable circumstances the Company is unable to make an electronic disclosure,
    public notice will be given in The Nikkei newspaper.)

Major Shareholders (List of 10 Largest Shareholders)

(As of December 31, 2023)

Shareholder Shares held (Shares) Shareholding ratio (%)
1. Phoenix Co., Ltd. 42,000,000 38.37
2. Suguro Akira 6,874,600 6.28
3. The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 6,763,300 6.18
4. Link and Motivation Employee Shareholding Company 6,615,700 6.04
5. Sakashita Hideki 3,680,000 3.36
6. Sakakibara Kiyotaka 3,680,000 3.36
7. Ozasa Yoshihisa 3,000,000 2.74
8. Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 2,142,900 1.96
9. Link and Motivation Officer Stock Ownership Association 852,800 0.78
10. Honda Yutaka 841,500 0.77
  1. The above list of major shareholders excludes 3,617,168 treasury shares.
  2. Shareholding ratio is calculated excluding treasury shares.

Shareholder and Share Information