Contact Us

Link and Motivation Inc. accepts opinions, requests, questions and other inquiries about the company. Inquiries will be used to enhance our future services.
Please be sure to read and understand the following terms and conditions before contacting us.

STEP 1 To make an inquiry

Terms and Conditions

  • We will use your personal information to respond to inquiries and questions and to provide information.
  • If you are under 16 years of age, please obtain consent from your parent or guardian before contacting us.
  • We may be unable to respond if the email address you provide is incorrect, if there is a system failure, or for other reasons.
  • Please be aware that our response may take some time (inquiries received on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday will be handled on the next business day or thereafter), or we may be unable to respond.
  • Any response from us is intended solely for the individual who made the inquiry. Do not use our response or any part thereof for any other purpose without our permission.
  • The IR inquiry form is encrypted using SSL.
  • See the Privacy Policy of Link and Motivation Inc. regarding handling of personal information.
  • The above items are subject to change due to laws and regulations or other circumstances.

Personal Information Protection Manager and Manager of Group Design Office